My neck aches, and the back of my knees sweat. The fan blows scraps of newspaper across the floor- evidence of the hours I spent packing and wrapping the bits and pieces of my three months in India. Although I’ve been preparing for awhile, it still feels like there’s so much to do. I sit on the […]

Leo2013 gives you a strong desire to plant roots. Your heart is looking for the kind of partnership that can endure the long haul. The search and restlessness is finally over, Leo. You know where you want to be and you’re ready to anchor yourself long enough to establish a solid routine. Saturn will occupy […]

I keep having unsettling dreams. Twice I’ve dreamt that my hair was cut off. I’ve had short hair before, actually for the past 5 or 6 years my hair has mostly been short- buzzed or cropped, grown out to my chin and then cut again. In the past year my hair went from being a […]

Via and I are standing on a hill and it starts to rain. I say, “I think we should go inside” and reach out to hold her The moment I feel her arm, so strong and safe, I start crying. She hugs me and asks “Why are you crying babe?” And I say- “Because I […]

Its so rainy here. For the past two days its just been dreary. Im trying to get some work done but I can’t focus and I’m sleepy.

Listening to Tegan and Sara cooking hot and sour vegetable soup Brings me back to my single days in Brooklyn- I don’t really miss it. The upside is my cooking is improving.

My Other Blog Restless Intellectual is my other blog. Its more broad, reflective and theory based, unlike which is my travel blog for the summer.

I was working from home today and ventured out to the main road, planning on buying some groceries:   Walking along Kharkana Road I found a Cafe Coffee Day (a popular Indian coffee chain). Going inside I felt such a rush of relief. In New York, I’m addicted to the coffee and ambiance of Starbucks. Gold […]

After a long hiatus from real life because of health issues, I finally got to go out and see the city a little more tonight! I went shopping with my ex-professor’s sister-in law (confusing I know). It was great. She’s in her mid thirties with a 4 year old son and another child on the way. […]

Another morning. My eleventh morning in Secunderabad to be exact. I should be at work, I know. I take a deep breath and remember why I’m home. The balloons in my rib cage feel like they’re bursting while at the same time barely giving me any air. Yesterday’s humidity and travelling are still punishing me […]